Throughout her life, Corinne lived and worked in Los Angeles, moving to Hollywood in her twenties. This series, completed between 1993 and 1995, explores the grit of what it meant to live in such an electric city during that time period. The 1990s were a time of harsh reality mixed with impending change, from the L.A. riots to the increasing awareness of the LGBTQ community. Influences mirrored in this series are the power of the media, love, hate, inequality, identity, freedom, wildness, spirit, darkness, community and the fierceness of Los Angeles.
24" x 18" Oil & Acrylic on Canvas 1995
24" x 36" Oil & Paper on Canvas 1994
15" x 12" Oil, Acrylic & Gouache on Board 1995
50.5" x 35.5" Oil & Gouache on Wood 1994
24"x 20" Oil on Canvas 1993
15" x 12" Oil & Acrylic on Canvas 1995
48" x 36" Oil, Acrylic & Gouache on Canvas 1995
60" x 48" Oil, Acrylic & Gouache on Canvas 1994
24" x 20" Oil & Acrylic on Canvas 1995
24" x 20" Oil & Acrylic on Canvas 1995
15" x 12" Oil on Paper 1994
14" x 11" Acrylic, Gouache & Ink on Canvas 1995
24" x 30" Oil & Acrylic on Canvas
16" x 20" Oil & Gouache on Corinne's apartment wall in 1995
24" x 46" Oil & Paper on Canvas 1994